Sacred Gifts and Holy Gatherings
Holy DaysPassover
Luke 2:41-50The Message
They Found Him in the Temple
41-45 Every
year Jesus’ parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover.
When he was twelve years old, they went up as they always did for the
Feast. When it was over and they left for home, the child Jesus stayed
behind in Jerusalem, but his parents didn’t know it. Thinking he was
somewhere in the company of pilgrims, they journeyed for a whole day and
then began looking for him among relatives and neighbors. When they
didn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem looking for him.
46-48 The
next day they found him in the Temple seated among the teachers,
listening to them and asking questions. The teachers were all quite
taken with him, impressed with the sharpness of his answers. But his
parents were not impressed; they were upset and hurt.
His mother said, “Young man, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been half out of our minds looking for you.”
49-50 He
said, “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be
here, dealing with the things of my Father?” But they had no idea what
he was talking about.
For ReflectionWhy
were the teachers so remarkably impressed with Jesus? Could it be that
their amazement stemmed from the fact that Jesus was not only from an
artisan class, but also, perhaps, Jesus could not read!
Not many
could in Jesus time. However, not being able to read did not mean that
many did not know the oral tradition scriptures. The stories of God and
God's people were transmitted and received orally within a discipline
of creative performance. Thus oral tradition was quite different from
scribal recordings. Oral tradition was not just gossip, rumor or
memory. Rather things known and understood in the oral tradition were
stated in terms which were used carefully and exactly as taught by oral
masters to apprentices. Thus, Jesus understandings of the meaning of
scripture was enriched by the depth of the practice of the oral
tradition. Scribes and other literate religious leaders spoke
from the
authority of the written word. Jesus spoke
with authority from the oral
tradition. His arguments and declarations were based and evidenced in
His memory and interpreted as divine guidance. Jesus was not bound by
the written word.
for wisdom as found in the written scriptures. Pray that you will be encouraged and challenged
to interpret the practice of the gospel as found in multiple versions
of the Bible. Pray that you will open your mind to God's guiding