Monday, October 3, 2011

Hope in God's Steadfast Love

Tradition and Wisdom
Teaching and Learning:
Superiority of Wisdom

Psalm 33:13-22

The Message
 13-15 From high in the skies God looks around,
      he sees all Adam's brood.
   From where he sits
      he overlooks all us earth-dwellers.
   He has shaped each person in turn;
      now he watches everything we do.

 16-17 No king succeeds with a big army alone,
      no warrior wins by brute strength.
   Horsepower is not the answer;
      no one gets by on muscle alone.

 18-19 Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect him,
      the ones who are looking for his love.
   He's ready to come to their rescue in bad times;
      in lean times he keeps body and soul together.

 20-22 We're depending on God;
      he's everything we need.
   What's more, our hearts brim with joy
      since we've taken for our own his holy name.
   Love us, God, with all you've got—
      that's what we're depending on.

For Reflection
When I was a kid, I frequently went to the movies on Friday nights.  I saw a lot or serial westerns.  I remember how all of us who were in the movie house would whoop and holler approvals when the heroine was rescued and the bad guys thwarted. 

Some times we forget that like in those early films, we too can experience the joy and thanksgiving of being rescued.  Unexpected rescue is not just for the movies.  In real life unexpected rescue, often at the last minute, is not only possible, but for some, who have the wisdom to see God in action, rescue is commonplace.  Those who depend on God are never without rescue.  We just need to believe in Him and ask. Hope for rescue.

that you continue to fear God --  that you trust in His awesome power,  wonder at his gift of grace, respect his holy position and follow in obedience with eyes wide open.  Pray that you trust in God for all things.  Pray that your will look for rescue in the hollow of God's caressing hand.

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