Monday, February 25, 2013

God Deals with the Mighty

Beyond the Present Time
The Kingdom of God

Daniel's Vision of Change

Daniel 5:13-21The Message

13-16 So Daniel was called in. The king asked him, “Are you the Daniel who was one of the Jewish exiles my father brought here from Judah? I’ve heard about you—that you’re full of the Holy Spirit, that you’ve got a brilliant mind, that you are incredibly wise. The wise men and enchanters were brought in here to read this writing on the wall and interpret it for me. They couldn’t figure it out—not a word, not a syllable. But I’ve heard that you interpret dreams and solve mysteries. So—if you can read the writing and interpret it for me, you’ll be rich and famous—a purple robe, the great gold chain around your neck—and third-in-command in the kingdom.”
17 Daniel answered the king, “You can keep your gifts, or give them to someone else. But I will read the writing for the king and tell him what it means.
18-21 “Listen, O king! The High God gave your father Nebuchadnezzar a great kingdom and a glorious reputation. Because God made him so famous, people from everywhere, whatever their race, color, and creed, were totally intimidated by him. He killed or spared people on whim. He promoted or humiliated people capriciously. He developed a big head and a hard spirit. Then God knocked him off his high horse and stripped him of his fame. He was thrown out of human company, lost his mind, and lived like a wild animal. He ate grass like an ox and was soaked by heaven’s dew until he learned his lesson: that the High God rules human kingdoms and puts anyone he wants in charge.

For Reflection
How are you known?  Are you known, like Daniel, by the way your faith moves you to act?  Are you seen as full of the Holy Spirit?  Are you known by your wisdom that can only be derived by your obedience to God?
It is not the mighty that serve us.  It is only by the hand of God that we are well served. 

for the hope for human kind found in God's gracious promise.  Pray prayers of thanksgiving for the one God in whom we all can put our trust.  Pray for those mighty in power that they might know the wisdom of living lives in service to God.

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