Thursday, November 27, 2014

The God of our Salvation

Sustaining Hope
Visions of Grandeur

Let Zion Rejoice

Psalm 85:1-7  The Message

A Korah Psalm

85 1-3 God, you smiled on your good earth!
    You brought good times back to Jacob!
You lifted the cloud of guilt from your people,
    you put their sins far out of sight.
You took back your sin-provoked threats,
    you cooled your hot, righteous anger.
4-7 Help us again, God of our help;
    don’t hold a grudge against us forever.
You aren’t going to keep this up, are you?
    scowling and angry, year after year?
Why not help us make a fresh start—a resurrection life?
    Then your people will laugh and sing!
Show us how much you love us, God!
    Give us the salvation we need!
For Reflection
The Church stumbles and staggers in imperfect ways to foster the Kingdom of God.  But with each stumble, each faltering step, God ensures progress toward the Kingdom.

Pray for the Church.  Pray so that the Church invites a resurrection life.  Pray for church leaders so that they may heed the word of God and work for compassion, peace, justice and forgiveness as guiding principles for world governance.

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