Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Truth Is in Jesus

The Spirit Comes
The Pledge of God's Presence

Co-workers with the Truth

Ephesians 4:17-25  The Message

17-19 And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They’ve refused for so long to deal with God that they’ve lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can’t think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion.
20-24 But that’s no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It’s rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.
25 What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ’s body we’re all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself.
For Reflection 
To be a Christian is to set one's self apart from the common assumptions of one's culture.  Christians live in a culture but are not of the culture.  Even some who claim to be Christian have followed a path of confusing cultural norms, thinking those norms are Godly.  The Wisdom of Christ is to know the difference between authentic and false witness to God. 

for the wisdom of Christ.   Pray that you will not be seduced by common wisdom that challenges God's will.  Pray that you will measure your actions and thoughts by the rule of Love, and work for compassion, justice and peace.

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