Monday, March 27, 2017

God's People Seek a Resting Place

God Loves Us
God's Caring, Saving, and Upholding Love

God as Our Shepherd

Numbers 10:29-36 The Message

29 Moses said to his brother-in-law Hobab son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses’ father-in-law, “We’re marching to the place about which God promised, ‘I’ll give it to you.’ Come with us; we’ll treat you well. God has promised good things for Israel.”
30 But Hobab said, “I’m not coming; I’m going back home to my own country, to my own family.”
31-32 Moses countered, “Don’t leave us. You know all the best places to camp in the wilderness. We need your eyes. If you come with us, we’ll make sure that you share in all the good things Godwill do for us.”
33-36 And so off they marched. From the Mountain of God they marched three days with the Chest of the Covenant of God in the lead to scout out a campsite. The Cloud of God was above them by day when they marched from the camp. With the Chest leading the way, Moses would say,
Get up, God!
Put down your enemies!
Chase those who hate you to the hills!
And when the Chest was set down, he would say,
Rest with us, God,
Stay with the many,
Many thousands of Israel.

For Reflection
How many times have you asked God to rest with you?  How many times have you truly rested?  What is meant by "rest?"

Searching the Bible generated over 300 references to the term, rest. Perhaps it is God's will that we move from a state of unrest to a state of rest.  Unresting states are a result of little faith. Until we rest in God, we will search relentlessly and unsuccessfully to find rest in material things: money, power, stuff and more stuff. In spite of our searches for fulfillment in worldly collections and endeavors, our souls will not be satisfied, will not be at rest. Resting only results when we receive God's promise in faith. (Hebrews 4) Italians have a term, "dolce far niente" which means, "sweet doing nothing." Could it be that God wants us to rely on God so completely that our souls are fully satisfied through an intimate relationship with God?

Pray that you will find rest in God.  Pray that you find in your faith "dolce far niente." 

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