Monday, October 10, 2011

Do Not Forsake Me

Tradition and Wisdom
Teaching and Learning:
Superiority of Wisdom

Psalm 71:1-12

The Message
    I run for dear life to God, I'll never live to regret it.
   Do what you do so well:
      get me out of this mess and up on my feet.
   Put your ear to the ground and listen,
      give me space for salvation.
   Be a guest room where I can retreat;
      you said your door was always open!
   You're my salvation—my vast, granite fortress.

 4-7 My God, free me from the grip of Wicked,
      from the clutch of Bad and Bully.
   You keep me going when times are tough—
      my bedrock, God, since my childhood.
   I've hung on you from the day of my birth,
      the day you took me from the cradle;
      I'll never run out of praise.
   Many gasp in alarm when they see me,
      but you take me in stride.

 8-11 Just as each day brims with your beauty,
      my mouth brims with praise.
   But don't turn me out to pasture when I'm old
      or put me on the shelf when I can't pull my weight.
   My enemies are talking behind my back,
      watching for their chance to knife me.
   The gossip is: "God has abandoned him.
      Pounce on him now; no one will help him."

 12-16 God, don't just watch from the sidelines.
      Come on! Run to my side!
   My accusers—make them lose face.
      Those out to get me—make them look
   Like idiots, while I stretch out, reaching for you,
      and daily add praise to praise.
   I'll write the book on your righteousness,
      talk up your salvation the livelong day,
      never run out of good things to write or say.
   I come in the power of the Lord God,

For Reflection
Do you run for dear life to God?  Read the psalm carefully.  Note the confidence that the psalmist places in God.  Note the recognition the psalmist has of the wonder of God.  Notice the awe with which the psalmist speaks.  There is not doubt what he anticipates to result from his prayer.  How are you doing?

Paraphrase these verses in a personal prayer.

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