Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nations Will Know the Lord

Covenant with God

Signs of God's Covenant

Spirit Filled Heart

Ezekiel 36:33-38 The Message

33-36 “‘Message of God, the Master: On the day I scrub you clean from all your filthy living, I’ll also make your cities livable. The ruins will be rebuilt. The neglected land will be worked again, no longer overgrown with weeds and thistles, worthless in the eyes of passersby. People will exclaim, “Why, this weed patch has been turned into a Garden of Eden! And the ruined cities, smashed into oblivion, are now thriving!” The nations around you that are still in existence will realize that I, God, rebuild ruins and replant empty waste places. I, God, said so, and I’ll do it.
37-38 “‘Message of God, the Master: Yet again I’m going to do what Israel asks. I’ll increase their population as with a flock of sheep. Like the milling flocks of sheep brought for sacrifices in Jerusalem during the appointed feasts, the ruined cities will be filled with flocks of people. And they’ll realize that I am God.’”

For Reflection

What if?

What if we all listened to God's plea for reconciliation?
What if we all sacrificed ourselves for each other?
What if kindness ruled our action?
What if healing was a priority?



We know the connection between human competence and spiritual maturity. Pray that we act as though that knowledge makes a difference.

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