Monday, June 4, 2018

Rehearse the Deeds of the Lord

God is Just and Merciful

Justice and Sabbath Laws

Psalm 78:1-8 The Message 

An Asaph Psalm

78 1-4 Listen, dear friends, to God’s truth,
    bend your ears to what I tell you.
I’m chewing on the morsel of a proverb;
    I’ll let you in on the sweet old truths,
Stories we heard from our fathers,
    counsel we learned at our mother’s knee.
We’re not keeping this to ourselves,
    we’re passing it along to the next generation—
God’s fame and fortune,
    the marvelous things he has done.
5-8 He planted a witness in Jacob,
    set his Word firmly in Israel,
Then commanded our parents
    to teach it to their children
So the next generation would know,
    and all the generations to come—
Know the truth and tell the stories
    so their children can trust in God,
Never forget the works of God
    but keep his commands to the letter.
Heaven forbid they should be like their parents,
    bullheaded and bad,
A fickle and faithless bunch
    who never stayed true to God.

For Reflection

For all of us who worship God and follow Christ, there has been someone who has influenced our decision. It may be a single person that stands out or it may be many people to whom you can point that have mentored your faith. For over three thousand years, since the founding of a monotheistic faith the love and trust in God has been passed from generation to generation. Through out all of its permutations, the worship of God and abiding in God's grace has been consistent. We believers who are entrusted with this precious gift of God are also entrusted with its perpetuation.

Our commission is to know the truths of our God and to pass the sacred knowledge of God and God's will for humankind to the next generation so that they may abide in the Word and pass their commitment and fervor to others.


Pray by acting upon your faith.  Be kind so that our children know kindness.  Be loving so that our children know how to love. Be just so that our children know justice. Be giving so that our children know how to give. Make you life a sacrifice to the love of God so that our children are free to choose a God-centered life of joy.

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