Wednesday, January 15, 2014

God Gathers the Outcasts

Jesus and the Just Reign of God
Jesus Ushers in the Reign of God

Jesus Teaches about Relationships

Psalm 147:1-11

The Message
147 Hallelujah!
It’s a good thing to sing praise to our God;
    praise is beautiful, praise is fitting.
2-6 God’s the one who rebuilds Jerusalem,
    who regathers Israel’s scattered exiles.
He heals the heartbroken
    and bandages their wounds.
He counts the stars
    and assigns each a name.
Our Lord is great, with limitless strength;
    we’ll never comprehend what he knows and does.
God puts the fallen on their feet again
    and pushes the wicked into the ditch.
7-11 Sing to God a thanksgiving hymn,
    play music on your instruments to God,
Who fills the sky with clouds,
    preparing rain for the earth,
Then turning the mountains green with grass,
    feeding both cattle and crows.
He’s not impressed with horsepower;
    the size of our muscles means little to him.
Those who fear God get God’s attention;
    they can depend on his strength.

For Reflection
How often do you sing praises to God?  There is always time to do so -- in the car, after reading a heart-rendering story of survival, enjoying a calm sunset after a trying day, anytime you feel moved to recognize the healing power of God.  Worship begins with recognizing the power of the creator.   Worship is endorsed by God's love and compassion.  Worship is activated in the fear and pleasure of God's presence.  Matthew Henry comments, "Our fear must save our hope from swelling into presumption, and our hope must save our fear from sinking into despair; thus must we take our work before us." 

that you will awed by the majesty and power of God.  Pray that you will balance surprise and fear with wonder and acceptance of the mystery of God's grace.  Pray that your only fear is that you will falter in obedience to God.  Praise God for his majesty and power.  Thank God for the desire and skill  to serve Him.

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