Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Building up the Beloved

The People of God Set Priorities
Living as a Community of Believers

Glorify God with Your Body

2 Corinthians 12:14-18

The Message
14-15 Everything is in readiness now for this, my third visit to you. But don’t worry about it; you won’t have to put yourselves out. I’ll be no more of a bother to you this time than on the other visits. I have no interest in what you have—only in you. Children shouldn’t have to look out for their parents; parents look out for the children. I’d be most happy to empty my pockets, even mortgage my life, for your good. So how does it happen that the more I love you, the less I’m loved?
16-18 And why is it that I keep coming across these whiffs of gossip about how my self-support was a front behind which I worked an elaborate scam? Where’s the evidence? Did I cheat or trick you through anyone I sent? I asked Titus to visit, and sent some brothers along. Did they swindle you out of anything? And haven’t we always been just as aboveboard, just as honest?

For Reflection
Suspicion, innuendo, misrepresentation of fact, exaggeration of potential harm, alleging false conclusions, all are means to divide and manipulate perceptions.  The church is not immune to the manipulations of its membership.  When will we learn to give up the need for control to God?  When will we understand that God wants us to build, not destroy?
that you will work to build the church by acts of faith, kindness, compassion, justice and trust in the Lord.

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