Monday, August 17, 2015

You Behaved Worse than Your Ancestors

God's Prophets Demand Justice
God' Prophets Demand Justice

Advocates of Justice for All

God Demands Justice

Jeremiah 16:9-13  The Message

God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel, says, “Watch this! I’m about to banish smiles and laughter from this place. No more brides and bridegrooms celebrating. And I’m doing it in your lifetime, before your very eyes.
10-13 “When you tell this to the people and they ask, ‘Why is God talking this way, threatening us with all these calamities? We’re not criminals, after all. What have we done to our God to be treated like this?’ tell them this: ‘It’s because your ancestors left me, walked off and never looked back. They took up with the no-gods, worshiped and doted on them, and ignored me and wouldn’t do a thing I told them. And you’re even worse! Take a good look in the mirror—each of you doing whatever you want, whenever you want, refusing to pay attention to me. And for this I’m getting rid of you, throwing you out in the cold, into a far and strange country. You can worship your precious no-gods there to your heart’s content. Rest assured, I won’t bother you anymore.’
For Reflection 
The first generation that falls into sin fails.  The second generation has acclimated to that failure and is unaware of the sin.  They have few points of contrast in their lives.  God offers an interpretation of their lives apart from God that provides such a comparison.  Banishment and estrangement will cause them to realize the suffering they have brought onto themselves.  God will let their sin become their punishment.  They will get little pleasure, little joy, from their sin.  They will become as sick of worshiping false gods as they were fond of them.  Their illusion of peace, comfort and joy will be  dashed upon the rock of disillusionment. Not abiding in God eventually makes life intolerable.

that when you find life intolerable you will remember the life in the presence of God.  Pray that you will return to the only source of comfort, peace and joy, a life lived in the hollow of God's hand.

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