Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Helper in Understanding

Beyond the Present Time
The Kingdom of God

Gabriel's Interpretation

Daniel 8:13-18

The Message
13 “Then I overheard two holy angels talking. One asked, ‘How long is what we see here going to last—the abolishing of daily worship, this devastating judgment against sin, the kicking around of God’s holy people and the Sanctuary?’
14 “The other answered, ‘Over the course of 2,300 sacrifices, evening and morning. Then the Sanctuary will be set right again.’
15 “While I, Daniel, was trying to make sense of what I was seeing, suddenly there was a humanlike figure standing before me.
16-17 “Then I heard a man’s voice from over by the Ulai Canal calling out, ‘Gabriel, tell this man what is going on. Explain the vision to him.’ He came up to me, but when he got close I became terrified and fell facedown on the ground.
17-18 “He said, ‘Understand that this vision has to do with the time of the end.’ As soon as he spoke, I fainted, my face in the dirt. But he picked me up and put me on my feet.

For Reflection
Ah! The Mystery of Dreams.
Even the Angels get anxious.
Some contend that the caller may have been Christ, Christ before his birth!

Ah! The Mystery of Dreams.
And the truth?
God, in ones most anxious time will speak and lift you up and put you on your feet!
prayers of thanksgiving for God, who always lifts you up. Pray for those anxious people so that they may know that God will lift them up.

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