Monday, August 18, 2014

A Failed Attempt at Reconciliation

The People of God Set Priorities
Bearing One Another's Burdens

An Appeal for Reconciliation

Acts 7:23-29 The Message

23-26 “When he was forty years old, he wondered how everything was going with his Hebrew kin and went out to look things over. He saw an Egyptian abusing one of them and stepped in, avenging his underdog brother by knocking the Egyptian flat. He thought his brothers would be glad that he was on their side, and even see him as an instrument of God to deliver them. But they didn’t see it that way. The next day two of them were fighting and he tried to break it up, told them to shake hands and get along with each other: ‘Friends, you are brothers, why are you beating up on each other?’
27-29 “The one who had started the fight said, ‘Who put you in charge of us? Are you going to kill me like you killed that Egyptian yesterday?’ When Moses heard that, realizing that the word was out, he ran for his life and lived in exile over in Midian. During the years of exile, two sons were born to him.

For Reflection
"Who asked you to butt in?"   This is a common phrase for a common response to a helping action.  As every family knows, blood carries certain rights to intervene.  Even so, the intervention, no matter how well intentioned, can be rejected.   In order to successfully help another, one must be asked to help.

Two questions arise.  How ready to accept help are you?  Does your pride interfere with another's attempt to help you?  Secondly, are you prepared to help when asked or do you bull ahead and overstep your welcome assistance?

God wants to help.  However, God can be of little assistance if you refuse to be helped or refuse to ask for help.  As the adage goes, Ask and you will be given.
to God, the compassionate father, for help.  Pray that you will be ready to accept the opportunity for assistance when it presents itself.  Pray for those too proud to ask for help.  Pray for the success of helpers.  Pray for God's wisdom, patience and understanding when you are asked to help.  Pray to serve in humility.

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