Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sowing and Reaping Bountifully

The People of God Set Priorities
Bearing One Another's Burdens

A Community Shares Its Resources

2 Corinthians 9:1-7 The Message

1-2 If I wrote any more on this relief offering for the poor Christians, I’d be repeating myself. I know you’re on board and ready to go. I’ve been bragging about you all through Macedonia province, telling them, “Achaia province has been ready to go on this since last year.” Your enthusiasm by now has spread to most of them.
3-5 Now I’m sending the brothers to make sure you’re ready, as I said you would be, so my bragging won’t turn out to be just so much hot air. If some Macedonians and I happened to drop in on you and found you weren’t prepared, we’d all be pretty red-faced—you and us—for acting so sure of ourselves. So to make sure there will be no slipup, I’ve recruited these brothers as an advance team to get you and your promised offering all ready before I get there. I want you to have all the time you need to make this offering in your own way. I don’t want anything forced or hurried at the last minute.
6-7 Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.

For Reflection
The re-distribution of wealth and opportunity is not just a do-gooder's advice.  There is real evidence of the harm in ignoring the poor.  In what countries is there most suffering and tyranny? What countries suffer from the most infant deaths?  In what countries is the land and people war torn?  The most lawless.  The most civil unrest?  The most crime ridden? The most disenfranchised?

The answer is easy, those with the greatest number of impoverished people.  Look to poverty and find the seeds of  hate and rebellion.
Kneel before God.  Pray for those who hold others in impoverishment.  Pray for those whose social and economic conditions drive anger and hate.  Pray that the bars on the doors of the impoverished will be broken.  Pray for the equitable distribution of the opportunity to live humane lives.

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