Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Stand Boldly

The Christian Community Comes Alive
Giving Bold Testimony

The Spirit Is Not for Sale

Acts 13:52-14:3  The Message

50-52 Some of the Jews convinced the most respected women and leading men of the town that their precious way of life was about to be destroyed. Alarmed, they turned on Paul and Barnabas and forced them to leave. Paul and Barnabas shrugged their shoulders and went on to the next town, Iconium, brimming with joy and the Holy Spirit, two happy disciples.
14 1-3 When they got to Iconium they went, as they always did, to the meeting place of the Jews and gave their message. The Message convinced both Jews and non-Jews—and not just a few, either. But the unbelieving Jews worked up a whispering campaign against Paul and Barnabas, sowing mistrust and suspicion in the minds of the people in the street. The two apostles were there a long time, speaking freely, openly, and confidently as they presented the clear evidence of God’s gifts, God corroborating their work with miracles and wonders.
For Reflection 
One can not have a meaningful conversation with one who has a closed mind.  It is better to leave the conversation for later.  Forcing the discussion always results in polarized reinforcement of previously held interpretations, attitudes behaviors and values.  Expect that the counter culture Good News is not good news to all.

for those who turn a deaf ear to the Gospel.  Pray that those who welcome the Good News grow in grace from hearing it.  Pray for those who share the Gospel in ways that invite the Holy Spirit into the lives of those who hear it.

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