Friday, October 28, 2016

Power of an Indestructible Life

The Sovereignty of God
The Sovereignty of Jesus

High Priest Forever

Hebrews 7:15-19  The Message

15-19 But the Melchizedek story provides a perfect analogy: Jesus, a priest like Melchizedek, not by genealogical descent but by the sheer force of resurrection life—he lives!—“priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek.” The former way of doing things, a system of commandments that never worked out the way it was supposed to, was set aside; the law brought nothing to maturity. Another way—Jesus!—a way that does work, that brings us right into the presence of God, is put in its place.

For Reflection
This is a story of change:  a change in the tribe from which the priest is chosen, a change in the form and order of making priests, a change in the efficacy of the priesthood, a change in the way God is acting through the priesthood, a change in the covenant of the priesthood, a change in the number of priests and a change in the moral qualifications of a priest.  At the head of this new priesthood is a priest of perfection, not subject to perversions of the flesh.  Christ mediates for us and has no need for mediation for himself.  Christ is the priest who has regard and passion for God and tenderness and compassion for us and none of the distractions of humanity.  Christ is the perfect priest bringing the law to maturity and God into our souls.  A priest who "...brings us right into the presence of God."

Thank God for fixing our foul-ups, our misinterpretation and errant application of the law of Moses.  Thank God for giving us the grace of the most high priest, Jesus.  Thank God for showing, through Christ, who God is.  Pray so that you can faithfully follow the Way that works to put God present, here and now, living in our souls.

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