Monday, December 19, 2016

The Savior Has Been Born

Creation: A Divine Cycle
The Savior Has Been Born

The Savior Has Been Born

Micah 5:1-6. The Message 

The Leader Who Will Shepherd-Rule Israel

5 But for now, prepare for the worst, victim daughter!
    The siege is set against us.
They humiliate Israel’s king,
    slapping him around like a rag doll.
2-4 But you, Bethlehem, David’s country,
    the runt of the litter—
From you will come the leader
    who will shepherd-rule Israel.
He’ll be no upstart, no pretender.
    His family tree is ancient and distinguished.
Meanwhile, Israel will be in foster homes
    until the birth pangs are over and the child is born,
And the scattered brothers come back
    home to the family of Israel.
He will stand tall in his shepherd-rule by God’s strength,
    centered in the majesty of God-Revealed.
And the people will have a good and safe home,
    for the whole world will hold him in respect—
    Peacemaker of the world!
5-6 And if some bullying Assyrian shows up,
    invades and violates our land, don’t worry.
We’ll put him in his place, send him packing,
    and watch his every move.
Shepherd-rule will extend as far as needed,
    to Assyria and all other Nimrod-bullies.
Our shepherd-ruler will save us from old or new enemies,
    from anyone who invades or violates our land.

For Reflection
Micah's message is one of doom followed by hope.  Is his message still relevant today?  Are we not still besieged by human self-will?  To what extent as the church, like David's kingship, been bought?  To what extent as the church been spoiled by the commingling of common culture and Godliness?

The hope of the world has been materialized in the birth, ministry and death of Jesus Christ.  To what extent have we embraced God's overture for salvation?  To what extent are we still waiting to be saved while God waits for us to accept God's invitation to become God's partner in peacemaking, extending the "shepherd's rule?"

that you fully accept God's invitation to participate in the realization of the Kingdom of God in the present time.  Pray, thanking God for the gift of God's son who has shown us the light in a dark world.  Pray that you will minister as Christ has ministered, supporting each other, practicing forgiveness, healing the broken, praying for the enemies of the freedom found only in the grace of God.  Pray for courage to be a partner in fostering God's will for humankind.

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