Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Zechariah and Elizabeth are Childless

Creation: A Divine Cycle
The Savior Has Been born

The Forerunner of the Savior

Luke 1:5-7  The Message

A Childless Couple Conceives

5-7 During the rule of Herod, King of Judea, there was a priest assigned service in the regiment of Abijah. His name was Zachariah. His wife was descended from the daughters of Aaron. Her name was Elizabeth. Together they lived honorably before God, careful in keeping to the ways of the commandments and enjoying a clear conscience before God. But they were childless because Elizabeth could never conceive, and now they were quite old.

For Reflection
We have a far different understanding of childbearing than did the people of Zachariah and Elizabeth.  In her era, Elizabeth would have been blamed and disgraced for failing to bear a child.  Furthermore many would think that God was punishing her for some unmentionable sin.

But God (as God often does) turned what many would consider condemnation into a blessing.  God often had something special in mind when God turned to the unexpected.  Had God allowed the woman, Elizabeth to remain barren so that God could reveal God's self to all?  Had Elizabeth's suffering been rewarded?  Had God suffered with Elizabeth? 

When we act in collaboration with God we sometimes suffer as God suffers.  In the end, we find joy in the realization of the will of God.

Pray for comfort as you suffer in partnership with God.  Pray for healing of those who suffer with you.  Pray for a child-like blind trust in God.  Praise God and worship in God's name.

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