Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Law Finds Fulfillment in Jesus

Covenant with God

Called into Covenant with God

Obeying God's Law

Matthew 5:17-20 The Message 

Completing God’s Law

17-18 “Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the Scriptures—either God’s Law or the Prophets. I’m not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast panorama. God’s Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet. Long after stars burn out and earth wears out, God’s Law will be alive and working.
19-20 “Trivialize even the smallest item in God’s Law and you will only have trivialized yourself. But take it seriously, show the way for others, and you will find honor in the kingdom. Unless you do far better than the Pharisees in the matters of right living, you won’t know the first thing about entering the kingdom.

For Reflection
Some people ignore the Old Testament erroneously thinking that the New Testament replaces it.  However, the Gospel Good News is not a superordinate series of writings.  Rather it is the extension of the story of God and God's creation. We are still bound by the law. But, the Christ event has changed the way we interpret our faith.  Let the Hebrew Bible inform the New Testament and the New Testament inform the Hebrew Bible.

Pray that you will be able to apply the law in service to God with compassion and grace.  Pray that you will teach through your action the loving relationships tha invites others to live in the household of God

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