Monday, August 6, 2012

Shadowed Times and Hard Hearts

God's Creative Word
God Calls For Justice:  Justice Enacted

Praise for God's Justice

Exodus 9:27-35

The Message
 27-28 Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron. He said, "I've sinned for sure this time—God is in the right and I and my people are in the wrong. Pray to God. We've had enough of God's thunder and hail. I'll let you go. The sooner you're out of here the better."
 29-30 Moses said, "As soon as I'm out of the city, I'll stretch out my arms to God. The thunder will stop and the hail end so you'll know that the land is God's land. Still, I know that you and your servants have no respect for God."
 31-32 (The flax and the barley were ruined, for they were just ripening, but the wheat and spelt weren't hurt—they ripen later.)
 33 Moses left Pharaoh and the city and stretched out his arms to God. The thunder and hail stopped; the storm cleared.
 34-35 But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he kept right on sinning, stubborn as ever, both he and his servants. Pharaoh's heart turned rock-hard. He refused to release the Israelites, as God had ordered through Moses.

For Reflection
These were shadowed times.  Moses has realized that he and the Israelites have been disobedient.  In an attempt to reconcile his people to God, Moses confesses his sins and entreats a sign of God's mercy to all the people.  Pharaoh, however, was not influenced by God's sign.  He maintained separation from God, sinning and becoming even more committed to his ways.
Judgments and Mercy's, punishments and rewards -- all are forms of coercion.  Some people respond in repentance while others remain unrepentant.  What do you suppose leads to one's confirmation of sin when consequences of judgment and mercy are obvious?

that having experienced God's judgment and mercy you respond in repentance.  Pray that you remain faithful to your commitments in God's covenant.

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