Friday, April 11, 2014

A Better Hope

What the Prophets Foretold
Jesus and the Davidic Covenant

A Messianic Priest-King

Hebrews 7:11-19

The Message

A Permanent Priesthood

11-14 If the priesthood of Levi and Aaron, which provided the framework for the giving of the law, could really make people perfect, there wouldn’t have been need for a new priesthood like that of Melchizedek. But since it didn’t get the job done, there was a change of priesthood, which brought with it a radical new kind of law. There is no way of understanding this in terms of the old Levitical priesthood, which is why there is nothing in Jesus’ family tree connecting him with that priestly line.
15-19 But the Melchizedek story provides a perfect analogy: Jesus, a priest like Melchizedek, not by genealogical descent but by the sheer force of resurrection life—he lives!—“priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek.” The former way of doing things, a system of commandments that never worked out the way it was supposed to, was set aside; the law brought nothing to maturity. Another way—Jesus!—a way that does work, that brings us right into the presence of God, is put in its place.
For Reflection
You can't legislate morality.   Neither can you dictate faith. Predicting all circumstances that might separate us from God is impossible.  Obedience to the will of God is not a grand computer processing challenge where all possibilities are known.  We live lives in a human realm where tomorrow is unknowable.

What is knowable, however, is the truth incarnate in the life of Jesus Christ and God's promised life in God's household.  Live by the code of God's love.
that you will follow God's will for us to transform our selves in the image of Jesus, talking the Way, and walking the Way.

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