Friday, October 17, 2014

I Call upon God

Sustaining Hope
Dark Nights of the Soul

Hope Complains

Psalm 55:12-23  The Message

12-14 This isn’t the neighborhood bully
    mocking me—I could take that.
This isn’t a foreign devil spitting
    invective—I could tune that out.
It’s you! We grew up together!
    You! My best friend!
Those long hours of leisure as we walked
    arm in arm, God a third party to our conversation.
15 Haul my betrayers off alive to hell—let them
    experience the horror, let them
    feel every desolate detail of a damned life.
16-19 I call to God;
    God will help me.
At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh
    deep sighs—he hears, he rescues.
My life is well and whole, secure
    in the middle of danger
Even while thousands
    are lined up against me.
God hears it all, and from his judge’s bench
    puts them in their place.
But, set in their ways, they won’t change;
    they pay him no mind.
20-21 And this, my best friend, betrayed his best friends;
    his life betrayed his word.
All my life I’ve been charmed by his speech,
    never dreaming he’d turn on me.
His words, which were music to my ears,
    turned to daggers in my heart.
22-23 Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—
    he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out.
He’ll never let good people
    topple into ruin.
But you, God, will throw the others
    into a muddy bog,
Cut the lifespan of assassins
    and traitors in half.
And I trust in you.

For Reflection

Upon whom do you call?  The lottery? Do you hope in your company to sustain you?  Your family? Friends?

They may help when called.  But none are as steadfast as God.  None are as sure.  None are as reliable.  Non are as trustworthy.  None have eternal insight.   None have the power as God to sustain you.

Praise God, your counselor.  Call upon God for help.  Confess to God you inability to solve problems by your self.  Pray to rely and trust in God.

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